In Memory Of - for the Love of the Sport

It is with a heavy heart that the OUEA is sharing some news from the West Zone.
A fellow equestrian who was constantly elevating his peers to a higher accountability of sportsmanship and love of the discipline has sadly left us. Riley Dobson was a bright light in his barn family and could constantly be found supporting his friends and family through any of their rough patches. One of the many fond memories that competitiors, friends, and family have of Riley was his 'pre horse show' ritual of wearing two different show socks.

In memory of Riley this Sunday, we ask that OUEA riders participate in remembering a young athlete and fellow horseman by wearing two different show socks. ‪#‎WWRD‬ ‪#‎WhatWouldRileyDo‬ ‪#‎EquestrianStrong‬