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In the beginning...

Fall is fast approaching and with it comes not only the change of the season but also the return to regular school life, for some, this is an arduous task. Fear not for there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the beacon is held by the Ontario University Equestrian Association (OUEA). With the start to a new school year also comes the start to a new competition year – one that has many exciting changes.

Part of what makes the OUEA so incredibly unique are its members which comprise of students from East and West zoned educational institutions. One of the largest changes this year will be to do another zone split, by popular demand our specific kind of fun and sassiness has exploded yet again. Feel free to contact your local zone rep as the break down goes as follows: East Zone includes McGill University, Ottawa U, Carleton, Queen’s University and Trent; West Zone which hosts McMaster, University of Waterloo, Laurier, Western, Brock University and the University of Windsor; and a brand new Central Zone that includes University Institute of Technology, Lakehead University, University of Toronto, York University, Ryerson and the University of Guelph.

Although the Zone split is by far the most exciting change seen in organization within the past few years, we have also launched a brand new website (insert link here) that will provide members as well as non-members with the information needed.

Stay tuned as we kick off another amazing season that will include tough competition, incredible course designing and some serious bonding!

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